Tableegh Jamaat

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

   Alhamdulillah, nowadays, many of our muslim brothers has joined the Tableegh effort. I do hope that this brief introduction would gave understanding to the Muslim on the Tableegh effort.

Introduction Tablighi Jamaat (Taaruf)

 Tabligh literally means ‘to convey’. Contextually, it refers to conveying the message of Islam. This is the sunnah of all the prophets. The most important rule of tabligh is hikmah. 

Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Quran:
ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة
Invite (people) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good counsel.  (Verse: 16:125)

 Whosoever does tabligh must adopt hikmah. It is only then, that people will understand and accept.
Tablighi Jamaat is not a jamaat/group Rather it is a movement that saw a gradual evolution starting from 1920-27.

Proof from Quran and Hadith For The Work of Tabligh

 The work of tabligh ‘has strong basis in Quran and sunnah’. There are numerous verses of the Quran and the Ahadith of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that support the practice of tabligh. Hereunder are a few of them:

 From the Holy Quran:
ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة
Invite (people) to the way of your lord with wisdom and good counsel.    (Verse: 16:125)

2. ولتكن منكم أمة يدعون إلى الخير ويأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر
And there has to be a group of people from among you who call towards good and prevent from evil. (Verse: 3:104)

3. ومن أحسن قولا ممن دعا إلى الله وعمل صالحا وقال إنني من المسلمين
 And who is better in utterance than the one who called people towards Allah, and acts righteously and says, “I am one of those who submit themselves (to Allah Ta’ala).  (Verse: 41:33)
 From the Ahadith of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam):

4. فقال أبو سعيد أما هذا فقد قضى ما عليه سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره بيده فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه وذلك أضعف الإيمان
Hazrat Abu Sa’eed (Radhiyallahu Anhu) narrates that he heard Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) saying, “Whosoever witnesses a forbidden act being committed, he should prevent it by the use of his hands; if he is unable to do so, then he should prevent it with his tongue; if he is unable to do so, he should at least consider it a vice in his heart; and this is a very low level of Iman”.
(Sahih Muslim Vol.2 Pg.211/2 - Darul Ma’rifah)

5. عن النعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنهما عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال مثل القائم على حدود الله والواقع فيها كمثل قوم استهموا على سفينة فأصاب بعضهم أعلاها وبعضهم أسفلها فكان الذين في أسفلها إذا استقوا من الماء مروا على من فوقهم فقالوا لو أنا خرقنا في نصيبنا خرقا ولم نؤذ من فوقنا فإن يتركوهم وما أرادوا هلكوا جميعا وإن أخذوا على أيديهم نجوا ونجوا جميعا
It has been reported on the authority of Nu’man bin Bashir (Radhiyallahu Anhu) that Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “There are people who do not transgress the limits (laws) of Allah Ta’ala, and there are others who do so. They are like two groups who boarded a ship; one of them settled on the upper deck, and the other on the lower deck of the ship. When the people of the lower deck needed water, they said, “Why should we cause trouble to the people of the upper deck when we can have plenty of water by making a hole in our deck”. Now, if the people of the upper deck do not prevent this group from such foolishness, all of them will perish; but if they stop them, they will be saved”.
(Sahih Al Bukhari Vol.3 Pg.152 - Darul fikr)


 Their objective is that each and every Muslim adopts the Islamic way in all aspects of life. They do not advice anyone to leave all their daily activities and join this work, but they encourage people to take out some time from their daily engagements so that the rest of the time could be spent in accordance to the teachings of Islam. Spending time in the path of Allah is not the objective of the work, but rather it acts as a motivation to practice on all other aspects of Deen.

Their call is based on Quran and Ahadith and always guided by Pious Ulema and Muftiyan Karam

Their  call is for complete deen and they say to people:
Our success in this life and the life hereafter is in obeying the commandments of Allah (SWT) and in following the noble ways (Sunnah) of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam)

There is ABUNDANT EVIDENT from the Qur’aan in their call as Allah (SWT) has said:
وَأَطِيعُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَٱلرَّسُولَ لَعَلَّڪُمۡ تُرۡحَمُونَ
[3:132]Obey Allah and the Messenger, so that you may be blessed.

قُلۡ أَطِيعُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَٱلرَّسُولَ*ۖ فَإِن تَوَلَّوۡاْ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ ٱلۡكَـٰفِرِينَ
[3:32] Say: .Obey Allah and the Messenger. Then, should they turn back, Allah does not love the disbelievers.

قَدۡ أَفۡلَحَ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنُونَ
[23:1]Success is really attained by the believers

وَعَدَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ وَٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَـٰتِ جَنَّـٰتٍ۬ تَجۡرِى مِن تَحۡتِهَا ٱلۡأَنۡهَـٰرُ خَـٰلِدِينَ فِيہَا وَمَسَـٰكِنَ طَيِّبَةً۬ فِى جَنَّـٰتِ عَدۡنٍ۬*ۚ وَرِضۡوَٲنٌ۬ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ أَڪۡبَرُ*ۚ ذَٲلِكَ هُوَ ٱلۡفَوۡزُ ٱلۡعَظِيمُ
[9:72] Allah has promised to the believers, male and female, gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they shall live forever, and good homes in gardens of eternity. And Allah‘s pleasure is above all. That is the supreme success.

Tabligh Remind people as

They remind our Muslim brothers and Sisters to change their life according to Qur’aan and Sunnah and we believe that our reminder also has evidence from the book of Allah (SWT):

وَذَكِّرۡ فَإِنَّ ٱلذِّكۡرَىٰ تَنفَعُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ
[51:55] And keep reminding, because reminding benefits the believers.

How to actually change their life? We refer them to the Ulama (& people of knowledge) and we believe that we evidence for that from the book of Allah (SWT) as well:
فَسۡـَٔلُوٓاْ أَهۡلَ ٱلذِّڪۡرِ إِن كُنتُمۡ لَا تَعۡلَمُونَ
[21:7]...So, ask the people (having the knowledge) of the Message, if you do not know...

SUMMARY OF Maulana Ilyas Idea of reformist Movement

Moulana Ilyas Saheb (Rahimahullah) observed that people were too engrossed in their worldly activities and had forgotten the objective for which they had been sent to this world. He realized that they had to free some time from their worldly engagements, to sit and ponder about Allah Ta’ala and their purpose for being sent to this world. Therefore, he started calling people to the masjid, and reminded them about Allah Ta’ala and His greatness. Initially people rebuked him, they discouraged him and used to say that they had no time for all of this; but as time went by, they realized the truth behind it and the need for it, and started joining him in calling others towards Allah Ta’ala. Thereafter, when more people started joining this work, a few guidelines had to be set, to make sure that the work was done in a proper manner. Different time periods of 3 days, 40 days, etc. were set, so that people knew for how long they had to be away, and could make the necessary arrangements for that period.

The immediate factor for start of Tablighi Jamaat

1. Around 1910 Malkana tribe (near Agra,uttar pardesh,india) who were muslim started turning to nonbeliever.
2. Condition of the mewat tribe (At delhi-haryana border in ALWAR and Gurgaon district, india) was nearly same and were on the verge of becoming MURTAD and leaving Islam. According to gazette of Alwar and gurgaon” MEW tribe are very loose and careless muslim. They share most of the customs of other religion.There way is to celebrate religious function of both community and not to do any religious duty of any religion.They never go for Haj,but celebrate HOLI and Diwali.”
(Ref:Gazetter of Alwar 1878,gazette of district Gurgao 1910) For detail refer book Life and mission of maulana ilyas by Maulana abul hasan ali nadwi (ali miyan) page 73-79.
3. The family of Maulana Ilyas was having religious connection with the people of mewat since his father and elder brother Maulana Muhammad .
4. Maulana Ilyas was very serious and in pain from the religious condition of Mew tribe.
5. He adopted different ways for reform/taleem of MEW people but situation was not under control.

The evolution of SYSTEM ADOPTED BY TJ

6. The initial Idea of GUSHT (MEETING MUSLIM BROTHER FOR THE SAKE OF DEEN AT THEIR DOORSTEP and home and doing one to one talk with hikmah and love and passion by MAKING A GROUP OF  3 TO 10 PEOPLE) WAS GIVEN by PEOPLE OF FIROZPUR NAMAK town of MEWAT.They were doing it in informal way and reported this to Maulan Ilyas. Maulana Ilyas liked this method for calling people who are not TALIB at all.
7. Then it evolved to the doing gusht in nearby villages making jamaat.There dawat was about KALMA and Namaz,but it was not in organized or formal way but continued for few years.

First Jamaat from Firozpur Namak to work outsidein 1927

8. In 1927-28 Maulana Ilyas called the people of FIROZPUR NAMAK to devout some time for dawat e deen in other area of MEWAT by making jamaat (group).
9. Initially 6 people became ready for going nearly 10 days (three elderly namely hafiz Muhammad Bin Nor Baksh, Nambardar Mehrab Khan,Choudhary Namaz Khan,and three children of 12-13 years.)

Work gained momentum after 1933

10. Work remained at slow pace till 1933,In the winter of 1933 nearly 250 people became ready to offer some time and came to DELHI JAMA MASJID. Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madni (Rahmatullah Alaihi)gave the departure advice to jamaat and it was sent to PANIPAT,KARNAL (HARYANA),SAHARANPUR &KANDHLA (UTTAR PARDESH).

Expansion of the work

With the passage of time People realized the importance of Effort of deen to strenthen our Iman and Amaal.They realized there duty as the ummat of last prophet to convey this maasage to others also.So people started joining them in large number and started sacrificing for the cause of Islam.

Era from 1933 to 1939

Maulana continued with his work, After return from his second Haj he came with Istaqamat and Sharah sadr(Allah opened his heart to continue with the work). But till 1939 it remained largely in the area around Mewat, Delhi and few districts of western U.P. Largely Mewatis played an active participation although some of the prominent ulemas and shyukh supported it most notably Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madni,(R.A) and Abdur Raheem sb Raipuri (R.A) largely due to the pious personality of Maulana Ilyas but by and large it remain unattended from Circles of ulemas and scholar.  

Attention of Ulemas and Islamic Scholars to the work around 1939

In Dec, 1939, three big personalities of India Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi(R.A), Maulana Manzoor Nomani(R.A) and Abdul Wahid Sb M.A.(R.A),planned to observe the religious work going on by different people/organization and to make a decision about themselves to join.
(They visited Saharanpur, Raipur and in Raipur Abdurraheem Sb Raipuri advised them to visit Maulana Ilyas (R.A.) at NIZAMUDDIN,Delhi and to see the ongoing work of Dawah.  
They were aware with the name of maulaana Ilyas and had recently read an article about his Dawah Movement in Mgazine Tarjumanul Quran  of SHAABAN 1358 Hijri written by Maulana Abul Ala Maudoodi (R.A)(the Renowed writer and founder of Jamaat e Islami) ,after visiting Maulana Ilyas at Nizamuddin and visiting the areas of mewat. That article was in praise of Tabligh work,The title of this article was “EK DEENI TAHRREK (A religious movement). So with advice of Raipuri Rahmatullah Alaihi their plan to visit Nizamuddin became final.  
(Ref.Autobiography of Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi “KARWANE ZINDAGI” vol 4)

Spread and Acceptance of work by Ulemas

Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi R.A started taking formal and active participation  along with Maulana Manzoor Nomani R.A and it helped much for spreading of work among Ulema and Madarsas. 
With there participation the work got an interface at a time when other Ulemas were not much attentive to the work. Maulana Ilyas has always acknowledged it and always praised Maulana Ali Miyan. 

Ali Miyan visited Peshawar and other parts of (Pakistan)  undivided India besides actively doing the effort in India.Apart from this other Ulemas were also took part. 

An important Mashwara was called to discuss the ways of participation of students of Madarsa which was attended by Qari Tayyab Sb (R.A) Rector of Darul Uloom Deoband, Mufi Kifayatullah Sb Mufti e Azam Hind,Maulana Mohammad Shafi Sb of Madarsa Abdurrab Delhi,Hafiz Abdullateef Sb of Muzahirul uloom Saharanpur,Maulana Aizaz Ali ,teacher of Darul Uloom Deoband,and Maulana zakariya and Maulana Abdul Qadir Sb Raipuri (RAHMATULLAH ALAIHIM)
(Ref :Biography of Ali Miyan:Sawane Mufakkirul Islam page no 197-205,Life and mission of maulana ilyas page no 159)

The effect of the work became all inclusive for all section of society

RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING VIEW OF MAULANA ILYAS WAS TO INCLUDE EACH SECTION OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE EFFORT OF DEEN AND TO UTILISE THEIR CAPABLITIES FOR THE PROPAGATION OD DEEN. He became quiet successful in its endevour and work spreaded in colleges and university. Students and teachers of Jamia Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University came closer to the work. Dr Zkair Hussain (Former president of india was professor at Jamia Millia Islamia that time) was close to Maulana Ilyas and used to come Nizamuddin regularlyWork also spreaded among business clas and other sections of the society. .(Ref Biography of Abul Hasan Ali NadviPage no 204,Life and mission of maulana Ilyas page no.219 )

Maulana Ilyas death

MaulanA Ilyas died on 13th July 1944. During last days of his illness he named a list of 6 persons to lead the effort after his death. Maulana Muhammad Yusuf son of Maulana Ilyas was one of these 6 people. And later on he was selected to lead the movement.
Maulana Yusuf himself was a great scholar of Islam. His famous book in Arabic HAYATUS SAHABA is like a masterpiece on the practical aspect of life of Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and Sahaba Kara.It is a encyclopedic book very popular in the Arab World.Its English and urdu translations are similarly popular.

Transnational expansion of tabligh work after 1944

Maulana Yusuf was himself a great scholar of Hadith and gave the work of dawat the much needed scholary support. Apart from HAYATUS SAHABAH he also wrote Muntakhab Ahadith collection of Ahadith related to six qualities of Dawat and Tabligh. During his period work spreaded from the Indian subcontinent to other parts of the world.A Jamaat went from India  to Arab which included Maulana Ali Miyan who was a prolific writer in Arabic and  was popular in Arab World and it rooted the work in Arab Countries. With  passage of time it became a transnational movement to strengthen Imaan and Amaal e Saliha. Maulana Yusuf died in 1964 at Lahore. 

Muqami Kaam (effort of deen at home)

Tabligh work has two facets
1.Going in the path of Allah for some days.
2.Doing the Amaal and effort while being at home.
After Maulana Yusuf, Maulana Inamul Hasan took the responsibility to lead the effort. Maulana Inaamul Hasan Made a formal Tarteeb of Muqami Kam (effort of deen while being at home) and it hlped the brothers to strengthen the qualities and gain achieved in the path of Allah. And established strong connection between Daee and the his neihbour and surrounding. 

Maulana Ilyas view was of Taking care of whole world

As Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was last prophet and this ummat has responsibility for whole world. So the system of Tabligh has been designed to cater all these. To start from oneself to whole world. Muhammad sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam simultaneously did effort on all front    
eg Even if his family member and people of makkah not accepted he went to Taif, even whole Arab not accepted he reached to Roman and Persian empire and did not waited to be accepted by all people of his area to start work in other areas. So in tabligh work a system was made to cater from onself, to family, to muhallah,to nearby town,to country,to whole world.    
 E.g  FOR INDIVIDUAL :In faradi Amaal, tasbeeh,tilawat e quran Taleem ,gusht and effort in the pth of allah for person himself, FOR FAMILY: Daily Taleem and Muzakra with quran Halqa, . FOR MUHALLA: Daily Taleem in mosque, Daily meeting with brothers, Daily Mashura, Weekly Gusht, FOR NEIGHBORING LOCALITY:Second Gusht,and 3 day in a month,FOR COUNTRY:40 days FOR WORLD RESPONSIBILITY:4 Months. Women will also go in the path of Allah obviously under the ambit of Shariah Ruling and with many restriction always with her Husband/Sharai Mahram.

Regarding Dawah among Non Believers

Maulana Ilyas was in principle very serious about the important work of Muslim of calling nonbelievers towards Allah and the way of Salvation.
When Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was going to London for  Round Table Conference Maulana Ilyas wrote him a letter drawing his attention to give the massage of Allah to british officials including the british prime ministr churchil.That mean he was very much aware of the importance of this aspect.
But he was of the view that qualities are needed in muslims ummah to convey the massage of Islam to all mankind in a effective way. To put the house of muslim in order was of priority importance for him. And it has prove from Quran and Hadith that taking care of muslims is an important aspect of deen.
In Verse ABASA WATAWALLAH………….it has been stressed in the chaptor that those who are already in the fold should also get importance while about others it is not certain that they will come into the fold. 

It is necessary to adopt qualities for effective Dawah

It is also necessary,that one should adorn oneself with the qualities of a true Believer. He should apply the commands of Deen upon himself.
This includes being punctual upon Salaah with Jama'ah(congregation). One should refrain from all sins and transgression. One should refrain from disobedience, adultery, drinking, stealing, transacting in interest, lying, backbiting, deceiving, not paying people their dues - even if they be non-Muslims.
He should deal with compassion and kindness. Likewise he should fulfil his promises. These are the qualities of a Believer. When one will adorn oneself with these qualities, he will be loved by the people. Hence this will attract them to Islam and they will eventually accept it.
Many of the countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. were not conquered by Mujahideen. Islam spread in the these countries by means of traders who were steadfast on Deen. Hence the people loved them and enquired from them about their religion. Thus they entered into the fold of Islam.
Therefore it is necessary for the Daa'ie to adopt these qualities. We thank Allah Ta'ala that he granted the Tabligh Jama'ah the tawfeeq to adopt this noble method. They approach people with love and kindness. Hence we find that, due to their efforts, great benefit has been achieved throughout the world. We pray Allah Ta'ala to grant them the ability to continue with this good work and may He make all their actions solely for Himself. May they remain steadfast on this noble Da'wah in which there is great benefit for Islam and the Believers. Insha Allah.

(Historical fact refrenced from Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi (rahmatullah) book LIFE AND MISSION OF MAULANA ILYAS and Miyan Ji MUSA book Tabligh ka muqami Kam and Tabligh tahreek ki Ibtida in Urdu and hindi respectively. Miyan Ji Musa was among the first few people from mewat and was present throughout the evolution of tabligh work..) 

Taken from

Blessed Prophet Muhammad Belongings


 Prophet Muhammad Sandals

Prophet Muhammad Sandals

Prophet Muhammad Sandals


The prophet blessed hair.

Famous Islamic Scholar from Tarim, Yaman



Director of Dar Al Mustafa,

Habib Umar bin Hafiz is well known for his Prophetic lineage and status as one of the most influential Sufi scholars alive today. His influence through scholarship and preaching is vast in Indonesia and East Africa. He is also incredibly influential through his leadership of the Ba’Alawi movement. He has increased his touring of western countries in the past few years in response to his growing following.

Al-Habib 'Umar bin Hafiz is a descendant of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, through his grandson Imam Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him. He was born in Tarim, Hadramaut in Yemen, and raised in a household that possessed a tradition and lineage of Islamic scholarship and righteousness, his father being the famous martyr, scholar, and caller to Islam Al-Habib Muhammad bin Salim.

Having memorized the Qur’an at a very early age, Habib ‘Umar also memorized the core texts in fiqh, hadith, Arabic Language, and other religious sciences. He studied many sciences including spirituality from his father Al-Habib Muhammad bin Salim, acquiring from him a deep love and concern for da'wah and religious counsels in the way of Allah. He attended numerous circles of knowledge held by many traditional scholars, such as Muhammad bin ‘Alawi bin Shihab and al-Shaikh Fadl Baa Fadl. Later, he enrolled at the Ribat of al-Bayda’, where he began to study the traditional sciences under the expert tutelage of Al-Habib Muhammad bin ‘Abd-Allah al-Haddar, as well as under the Shafi‘i jurist and scholar Al-Habib Zain bin Sumait. Habib ‘Umar was given permission to teach soon after. Afterwards, he began to visit many neighboring towns and communities across Yemen and studied with the mufti of Ta‘iz, al-Habib Ibrahim bin Aqil bin Yahya, who began to show him much love and attention. He received similar treatment from his Shaikh al-Habib Muhammad al-Haddar, who gave him his daughter’s hand in marriage after being impressed by his uprightness and intelligence. Al-Habib ‘Umar then traveled to the Hijaz and studied several books with prominent scholars, including Al-Habib 'Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Saqqaf, Al-Habib Ahmed Mashur al-Haddad, and Al-Habib 'Attas al-Habashi.

Wherever Habib ‘Umar has gone, no stone has been left unturned in his attempt to revive the love of Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessing be upon him, in the hearts of people. After returning to Tarim, he established Dar al-Mustafa, an educational institute to which students from across the world have come to study. Habib ‘Umar currently lives in Tarim, where he oversees the development of Dar al-Mustafa and the many schools that have been set up under his management.

Descendent of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. (Ahlul Bayt)

He is al-Habib ‘Umar the son of Muhammad the son of Salim the son of Hafiz the son of Abd-Allah the son of Abi Bakr the son of ‘Aidarous the son of al-Hussain the son of al-Shaikh Abi Bakr the son of Salim the son of ‘Abd-Allah the son of ‘Abd-al-Rahman the son of ‘Abd-Allah the son of al-Shaikh ‘Abd-al-Rahman al-Saqqaf the son of Muhammad Maula al-Daweela the son of ‘Ali the son of ‘Alawi the son of al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad the son of ‘Ali the son of Muhammad Sahib al-Mirbat the son of ‘Ali Khali‘ Qasam the son of ‘Alawi the son of Muhammad the son of ‘Alawi the son of ‘Ubaidallah the son of al-Imam al-Muhajir to Allah Ahmad the son of ‘Isa the son of Muhammad the son of ‘Ali al-‘Uraidi the son of Ja'far al-Sadiq the son of Muhammad al-Baqir the son of ‘Ali Zain al-‘Abidin the son of Hussain the grandson, the son of both ‘Ali the son of Abu Talib and of Fatimah al-Zahra the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad r


Kuliah Jemputan Syeikh As Sobuni

Great news to all Muslim in Selangor Malaysia.
Syeikh Muhammad Ali As- Soubuni @ Sabouni will insyaAllah be in Surau Ar rahmah Seksyen 8 Shah Alam tonight (2jan 2013) and tomorrow at USJ 9 Masjid Al Falah Subang (3Jan 2013). Both are insyaAllah from Magrib to Isya
May us all can be there to learn from him and give support. Spread the news. Jazakallah.

Famous Islamic Scholar (Yaman)

Habib Ali Zain Al Abideen Al Jifri (Ahlul Bayt)


Director General of the Tabah Foundation, UAE

Tracing back his lineage to the family of ‘Ali, the fourth Caliph of Islam and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, Habib Ali Zain al Abideen Al Jifri is a leading Islamic scholar and prominent speaker in the Muslim World. Al Jifri is Director General of the Tabah Foundation in the UAE, member of the board of Dar al Mustafa in Yemen, member of the Royal Aal al Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in Jordan, and affiliated with various other international Islamic organizations.

Citizen of: United Arab Emirates
Birth: 16 April 1971 (Age: 41)
Source of Influence: ,
Influence: Globally influential through his teaching endeavors in Yemen and across the world
School of Thought: ,

Sufi Guide

As a Ba’Alawi Sufi, Al Jifri is part of a tradition that has been based in Yemen for approximately 800 years and traces back to the Prophet Muhammad. He is influential as a Sufi spiritual guide in the Muslim World; and Dar al Mustafa is an influential Islamic educational institution in Yemen.


Habib Ali founded the privately-funded philanthropic Tabah Foundation for Islamic Studies and Research in Abu Dhabi, a young non-profit institution that aspires to become a formidable source of reputable work in Islamic research and thought.
Taken from


Habib Ali was born in the city of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia just before dawn on Friday 20th Safar 1391 AH (16th April 1971), from parents who are both descendents of Imam Hussein son of Ali, peace be upon them.


Ali Zain al-Abidin son of Abdul-Rahman son of Ali son of Muhammad son of Alawi son of Ali son of Alawi son of Ali son of Ahmed son of Alawi son of Abdul-Rahman Mawlah al-Arsha son of Muhammad son of Abdullah al-Tarisi son of Alawi al-Khawas son of Abu Bakr al-Jifri son of Muhammad son of Ali son of Muhammad son of the Ahmed son of the al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad son of Ali son of Muhammad Sahab Murbat son of Ali Khali` Qassam son of Alawi son of Muhammad son of Alawi son of Ubaidullah son of the Ahmed al-Muhajir ila Allah (trans: the one who made an exodus to the Divine presence) son of Isa son of Muhammad al-Naqib son of Ali al-Uraidhi son of Jafar al-Sadiq son of Muhammad al-Baqir son of Ali Zain al-Abidin son of Hussein (the grandson of the Messenger of God blessings & peace be upon him) son of Ali son of Abu Taleb, may God ennoble his countenance, the husband of Fatimah al-Zahra daughter of the Messenger of God blessings & peace be upon him.
His noble mother is Marumah daughter of Hassan son of Alawi son of Hassan son of Alawi son of Ali al-Jifri.

Educational Background

He began taking knowledge from his early childhood from his first teacher, his mother’s great-aunt the scholar and knower of God Safiah daughter of Alawi son of Hassan al-Jifri, she had an immense influence on him and the direction he took in the pursuit of knowledge and spirituality.
As a continuation of the authentic methodology of receiving Sacred Knowledge, and wayfaring on the spiritual path, through an unbroken chain of masters, all the way back to the Messenger of God may God Bless him & his family and give them peace, a methodology the preservation and maintenance of which, the valley of Hadramaut and the city of Tarim are renowned, this work was continued in the intellectual Milieu of the Hejaz which became a meeting point for the Scholars of the School of Hadramaut when they were exiled from the South of Yemen during Communist Rule; he received his education in the Sacred Sciences and the Science of Spiritual Wayfaring at the hands of Scholars and Spiritual Educators, among them:
• The Scholar and Spiritual Educator Habib Abdul-Qadir Bin Ahmad al-Saqqaf in Jeddah. With whom he studied the Authentic Hadith Compilations of Bukhari and Muslim, as well as the Revival of the Religious Sciences of Imam Ghazali and other important texts. He continued studying directly under his teacher from the age of 10 until he was 21 years of age.
• The Scholar and Spiritual Educator Habib Ahmad Mashhur Bin Taha Al-Haddad the author of many famous books. Among the books he studied under this master was: ‘The Clarification of the Secret Knowledge known to those Brought Near to the Divine Presence’.
• The Scholar and Master Muhammad Bin Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani, the Hadith Master of the Two Holy Sanctuaries. Under whom he studied Hadith Terminology, Legal Principles and the Biography of the Prophet.
• The Scholar and Educator Al-Habib Attas al-Habshi.
• The Scholar Habib Abu Bakr al-Mashhur al-Adani, the author of numerous works.
• The Scholar Sheikh Muhammad Ba-Sheikh.
• He enrolled in the College of Islamic Studies in Sana’a Yemen from 1412 AH/1991 AD, until 1414 AH/1993 AD. During this time he was given the opportunity to study directly under Habib Muhammad Bin Abdullah al-Hadaar who was in his last days, so he went to the Habib’s Centre of Learning in the City of Baeda in Yemen. It was during this phase that he began to move from theoretical studies to the work of calling to God, as he benefited greatly from the late Habib Muhammad Al-Hadaar’s methodology of living his knowledge, and making it impact his reality.
• During that phase the link between him and the Great Scholar & Educator Habib Omar Bin Muhammad Bin Salem Bin Hafiz, (who was one of the foremost people in Habib Muhammad Al-Hadaar’s Centre of Learning) was strengthened He later went to the City of Sheher to be with him.
• He settled in Tarim in the Companionship of Habib Omar Bin Mohammed Bin Hafiz from 1993 to 2003.

Professional Background

• 1426 AH/2005 – present: General Director of Tabah Foundation.
• 1424 AH/2003 – present: Member of the Board of Director of Dar Al-Mustapha for Islamic Studies in Tarim.
• 1428 AH/ 2007 – present: Active member of The Royal Aal al-Bayt Foundation for Islamic Thought in Amman, Jordan.
• 1428 AH/ 2007 – Present: Secretary General to the Board of Trustees for the Al Mahabbah Awards.
• 1424 AH/ 2003 – Present: Member of the Board of Trustees of the European Academy for Islamic Culture and Science in Brussels, Belgium.
• 1418 AH/1997 – Present: Visiting Lecturer (summer program) at Dar Al-Mustapha for Islamic Studies in Tarim.
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  • Founding the Tabah Foundation – an organization whose remit is “the renewal of contemporary Islamic discourse to fit the needs humanity” through its three divisions: Research, Projects, and Media.
  • Producing a Media Package for a unique lecture entitled ‘So that the Religion Does not Become a Game’ which dealt with some of the crisis and tribulations of the contemporary world which are a direct result of people taking advantage of religions for their own limited ambitions, the lecture was both an analysis and a clarification.
  • Contributed to the formulation of the Open Letter to Pope Benedict XVI after his offensive lecture regarding Islam and the Prophet May God Bless him & Give him Peace, he was also one of 38 scholars who were signatories to the letter which was lofty and intellectual in its manner in the context of constructive dialogue.
  • Contributed in managing the historical project on “A Common Word” a document signed by 138 Muslims Scholars, scholars representing different sects and schools of thought as well as countries. This document was sent to Christian Leaders the world over, and received a huge and positive reaction from the Christian side.
  • Contributed to the formulation of the ‘Declaration by Muslim Religious Leaders’ issued by 42 scholars and Islamic Authorities of whom he was a member and which was in reply to the offensive Cartoons by a Danish Newspaper.
  • Founding the ‘Guidance Media’ Company and Magazine in the UK.
  • Founding the Board of Trustees for the ‘European Academy for Islamic Culture and Science’ in Brussels, Belgium.
  • Founding the ‘Noor Centre for the Preservation/Renovation, Documentation and Editing of Manuscripts’ in Tarim, Yemen.
  • Supervising the founding of Schools and Centre of Learning within and outside Yemen for the propagation of an authentic methodology for the dissemination of knowledge, education and spiritual training.

Activities and Travels

He has given classes for teaching, guidance, advice, in order to awaken people to their responsibilities, and to call people to God in many countries, he began in 1412 AH/1991 AD in the towns and villages of Yemen. He started his overseas journeys in 1414 AH/1993 AD which still continue to this day, and which have included the following countries:
  • Arab Countries: UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Mauritania, the Comoros Islands, and Djibouti.
  • Asian Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
  • African Countries: Kenya, and Tanzania.
  • European Countries: Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Ireland, Denmark, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Turkey.
  • USA: 3 trips the first of which was in 1419 AH/1998 AD, the second was in1422 AH/2001 AD, and the third of which was in 1423 AH/2002 AD, in addition to which he also visited Canada.

Lectures Abroad

Has delivered a number of lectures of concern to humanity at large throughout the world including:
  • Lecture at Santa Clara University.
  • Lecture at San Diego University.
  • Lecture at the University of Miami.
  • Lecture at the University of Southern California USC in L.A.
  • Lecture at S.O.A.S in London.
  • Two Lectures at the Wembley Conference Centre in London.
  • A number of lectures as part of the Radical Middle Way Project in different parts of the UK.
  • A presentation at the House of Lords in London.
  • Nearly 300 lectures and series of sessions on cassettes, CDs, and DVDs.

Conferences and Forums

Participated in the following:
  • Conference on A Common Word in London and Cambridge 12-15 October 2008.
  • Conference on A Common Word at Yale University in conjunction with Princeton and Georgetown Universities 24-31 July 2008.
  • Conference of the Global Centre for Renewal and Guidance held in Nouakchott, Mauritania March 2008.
  • Conference on the Middle Way in Amman, Jordan 2007.
  • Conference of Judges in Amman, Jordan 2007.
  • Conference of the Love of the Quran, Dead Sea, Jordan 2007.
  • 11th annual Conference on ‘Dialogue and Understanding’ in Paris, France 1427 AH/2006.
  • 7th annual forum entitled ‘the Quran a Doctrine and Way of Life’ in Frankfurt, Germany 1426 AH/2005.
  • Conference on Guidance, in Sana, Yemen 2004.
  • Participated in ‘Symposium on Islamic Unity’ in Damascus 1425 AH/2004.
  • Participated in ‘the Forum for the Callers to Islam’ in Beirut 1425 AH/2004.
  • Participated in the Conference on ‘the Guidance of the Prophet’ in Abu Dhabi 1425 AH/ 2004.
  • Participated in the Conference on ‘Unity for the Sake of Peace’ in Sri Lanka 1424 AH/2003.
  • Participated in ‘the Forum on Minority Culture from a Western and Islamic Perspective – Understanding and Practice’ in Paris, France 1424 AH/2003.
  • Symposium for Muslim Scholars in Tarim, Yemen 2002.
  • Conference on ‘the Etiquettes of Disagreement’ in Sri Lanka 1422 AH/2001.

Television Programs

• Program entitled ‘the Spiritual Aspirant’ on the Mihwar Channel (Spirituality) 30 parts.
• Program entitled ‘Al-Mizan’ on Iqra, (Thought) over 100 produced.
• Program entitled ‘the Way to God’ on Dream 2 (Spirituality) 43 produced.
• Program entitled ‘Intellectual Dialogue’ on Dream 2 and on Aqariya (Thought) 30 parts.
• Program entitled ‘the Friday Meeting’ on Dream 2 (Thought) 6 produced.
• Program entitled ‘Alive in our Hearts’ on Dream 2 (Biography of the Prophet and Description of his outward form and character).
• Program entitled ‘Journey of Faith’ on Mihwar (Spirituality).
• Program entitled ‘the World View of Islam’ with Dr. Ahmad Omar Hashem on the 1st Egyptian Channel and on Mihwar (Thought) 14 parts.
• Program entitled ‘they Love Him (i.e. God) and He Loves them’ with Sheikh Ali Abu Hasan on the Risalah Channel (Spirituality).
• Program entitled ‘For the sake of His (i.e. God’s) Love’ on Emirates channel (Spirituality and the Jurisprudence of Alms) 30 parts.
• Program entitled ‘Gathering of Mustapha’ on the Yemeni Channel (an Analytical study of the Prophet Muhammad’s Biography) 30 parts.
• Various Debates Programs: (‘Lights’ on Al-Arabia, Shariah and Life on Jazeera, ‘Hot Topic of Debate’ on Abu Dhabi TV, Cairo Today on Al-Yawm Orbit, ‘On Air’ on Safwa Orbit), and ‘Reminder’ on the Emirates Channel.
• Program on the Virtues and Characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad on the Iqra Channel.
• Program on the Biography of the Prophet Mohammed on the Dubai Channel 6 parts.
• Program entitled ‘Insinuations/Whispers’ on the Qatar Channel.
Taken from

Famous Islamic Scholar from Syria

Sheikh Mohammad Ali Al Sabouni


 Scholar of Tafsir

An internationally respected Islamic scholar of tafsir, or Qur’anic exegesis, Sheikh al Sabouni is widely acclaimed for his short commentaries of the Qur’an. He is well known for his knowledge in Qur'an and Hadeeth. He is also the head of Mufti in Syria, and the Syria Islamic leader. 

Citizen of: Syria
Birth: 1 January 1930 (Age: 82)
Source of Influence: Scholarly
Influence: Significant scholarly influence as the leading contemporary authority on Qur’anic exegesis (tafsir)
School of Thought: Hanafi, Traditional Sunni

An internationally respected Islamic scholar of tafsir, or Qur’anic exegesis, Sheikh Mohammed
Ali al Sabouni is widely acclaimed for his short commentaries of the Qur’an.

Popular Commentaries

Al Sabouni is influential because of his easy-to-read, simplified commentaries of the Holy Qur’an, which are the most popular modern commentaries in the world. They are now thought of as some of the most popular short commentaries in history after those of Jalalayn, Baydawi, Ibn Kathir and Ibn Juzayy. One of his most influential commentaries is the Tafsir Ayat Al Ahkam, an exploration of the Qur’anic verses that pertain to legal rulings.

Traditional Authority

The Institute of Scientific Research and Revival of Islamic Heritage, Umm Al Qura University in Mecca, Saudi Arabia—founded by King Abdul Aziz al Saud as part of the King Abdul Aziz University in 1949—commissioned al Sabouni to investigate the ancient tafsir manuscript of Abu Jaafar al Nahas (d. 949 CE/338AH). His landmark achievement of verifying the only surviving manuscript of the text has come to fruition as a six volume work published by the university.

World Tour

December 2012
Photo: Pesanan Syeikh Ali As Soubuni:

" Kamu semua mesti ada niat untuk berjuang dan mati syahid , jika ada niat walaupun kamu mati ditempat tidur kamu maka kamu akan dapat pahala syahid ." 

Gambar: Syeikh Ali As Soubuni berusia 83 tahun bersama dengan seorang ulama terkenal di negeri Kedah iaitu Tn Guru Hj Salleh Musa berusia 85 tahun dari Pondok Tauhid, Sik. Blog Pondok Tauhid: VIDEO: Photo: syeikhuna tuan guru nik abdul aziz sudah tua dan mempunyai martabat ilmu yang tinggi, namun masih menghormati ulama' lain seperti syeikh dr. muhammad ali as-sobuni. hafizahumaAllah
1. Tn Guru Hj Salleh Musa  with Syiekh Mohammad Ali As Sabouni in Kedah Malaysia.
2. The Islamic PAS Malaysia Tn Guru Nik Aziz shake with Syeikh As Sabouni

Photo: 15.12.2012

1. Ust Azhar Idrus + Syeikh Muhammad Ali As Shoubuni 

2. Ust Azhar Idrus + Syeikh Samir Saqqa 

3. Syeikh Muhammad Ali As Shoubuni + YB Hj. Yaakop bin Sapari

4. Ust Mohammad Nazmi bin Abdul Karim + Ust Azhar Idrus

Mereka cinta, mereka sayang, mereka kasih akan ulama'2 kerana ulama' adalah pewaris Nabi.

Nabi tidak tinggalkan harta untuk ummat nya, tetapi Nabi tinggalkan ILMU kepada ummatnya.

Allahu Akbar.. saya cinta kepada Ulama'. ^_^ 
1. Syeikh As Sabouni with Ustaz Azhar Idrus (famous Terengganu Islamic teacher)
2. Ust Azhar Idrus + Syeikh Samir Saqqa
3. Syeikh Muhammad Ali As Shoubuni + YB Hj. Yaakop bin Sapari
4. Ust Mohammad Nazmi bin Abdul Karim + Ust Azhar Idrus

Photo: Buat pertama kalinya Muslim Care bersama Syeikh Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali As Sobuni (Ketua Majlis Ulama Syria) akan mengadakan siri jelajah di negara umat Islam terbesar iaitu INDONESIA!!! Kepada warga INDONESIA nantikan kehadiran kami di sana dalam siri penerangan berkaitan isu Syria.  Malaysia, Indonesia dan Syria ...  1 saudara <3 

Syeikh Muhammad 'Ali As-Shobuni ialah Ketua Ulama di Syria, Pakar Tafsir Al-Quran, antara 10 Ulama terhebat yang masih hidup di kalangan kita sekarang. 

 Syrian care with Syeikh Ali As Sabouni in the visit to Indonesia. Dec 2012

Advise from Syeikh Ali As Soubuni:

"You all must have an intention to 'fight for justice'(jihad) and die as matyre (Syahid), if there is an intention, neither you died at your bedplace, you also gain the deed (pahala) of 'syahid'. 

At the age of 83, new movement on Syeikh As Sabouni is his effort of touring all over the world to spread the important message of supporting Syria to all Muslim. Currently, Syria is under serious conflict between Muslim Sunni and Syiah and the regime of Bassar Al Assad itself. Hundred thousand of Muslim have died from the conflict.

A view on the Syria conflict
Photo: Betapa Ajaibnya Umat Islam !!!

Jumlah para syuhada di Palestin sejak tahun 1929 hingga hari ini tidak melebihi 50 ribu orang yang mati syahid!!
Pada tahun 1948, sebanyak 16 ribu orang mati syahid di Palestin dan sekitar 6600 orang syahid pada Intifadhah Al-Aqsa sementara 3500 orang mati syahid di kawasan Sabra dan Shatila.

Tahun 2008, terjadi perang besar di Gaza yang mengakibatkan sebanyak 1200 orang mati syahid manakala pada perang yang terjadi di Gaza baru-baru ini, jumlah syuhada  186 orang. Respon masyarakat Umat Islam? pada saat itu sangat baik dan besar.

Namun kurang 20 bulan sahaja, tentera Syiah-Syria telah membunuh lebih dari 50 ribu orang akan tetapi jumlah yang sebenarnya adalah 200 ribu terkorban di Syria. Ribuan rumah hancur, ratusan masjid diratakan dan jutaan orang melarikan diri dan berhijrah keluar dari Syria. 
Dan respon Umat Islam..? Mereka masih tertidur..!!??

Apa yang kita tunggu? Lagi 60 tahun sebelum kita dapat menyingkirkan duta-duta Syiah dari tanah kita?

Lagi 60 tahun sebelum kita dapat mengutarakan masalah ini dan mendapatkan perhatian? (Syria akan hancur pada waktu itu)!

Adakah kita menunggu Israel untuk menakluki Damsyik dan Yahudi bermain di dalam Masjid Umawi??

Adakah kita menunggu Syria untuk menjadi seperti ‘Gaza’ dan ‘Palestin’ sebelum kita boleh ambil tindakan?

Apakah perlu kita memberi nama Syria sebagai "Palestina" atau "Gaza" sehingga kalian bergerak wahai kaum muslimin..!!

Tolong menderma sekarang, jika kalian tidak dapat membantu dalam bentuk sumbangan, tolong kongsi dan sebarkan berita ini supaya yang lain dapat membantu (menderma).

"Ya Allah.. Segerakan pertolongan dan kemenangan bagi kaum muslimin di Palestin, di semua tempat dan di negeri Syam wahai Tuhan semesta Alam.
Ya Allah.. Tunjukkanlah kemungkaran-MU ke atas kaum Yahudi dan Syiah serta semua musuh-musuh Islam. 
Ya ALLAH.. Selamatkanlah negara kami dari Syiah dah Yahudi serta Rofidah dan dekatkan kami dengan agama-MU dan terhindar dari fitnah Syiah"

pertubuhan sinar damsyik malaysia
Maybank 562106216755

muslim care
RHB: 26212000004747 
 In 20 month period, the syiah-syrian army had killed more than 50'000 people but the accurate number had been said 200'000 people were killed in Syria. Thousand of houses destroyed, 100 over Masjid being demoslished, and millions of people migrated from Syria.

Malaysia facebook page on supporting Syria.  
Another Malaysian page on Syria care *images taken from here
American Syria facebook page
Syria Press on facebook (Arabic)
(follow this page for news update)
Youtube page Syeikh As Sabouni